Thursday, October 7, 2010

On our way to the Land of Oz

Relaxing at Coogee Beach 

Our fire drill at 7am-as we awoke to "WAKE THE FUCK UP AND GET YOUR FUCKING ASSES OUT OF THE HOSTEL"

The Fish Market


  1. You guys made my day! Love that you are doing a blog!!! Have fun! Be well! Love from NY.

  2. omg, I'll bet the yelling during the firedrill sounded so much better with an aussie accent. You probable barely realized they were swearing! Have a wonderful trip. We'll be praying for excellent health for you while you're abroad.
    xox to you, Stacy.
    love, Lori and Carly

  3. GREAT to hear from ya girl....hugs to you both and take lots o pics for us all here who would love to be where you both are!

  4. This is soo awesome! I especially loved the bit about the fire drill. It was probably a pleasure waking up to that Aussie accent. Have fun! and Make wise choices.

  5. Hi Stacy, this is try #3. Us old folks take longer to learn new things not to mention forgetting passwords.
    Anyway, I am glad you both are having a wonderful time. Can't wait to see all the pictures.
    I need to arrange to skype with you the week of the 25th when you get back to your apt. You are 14 hours ahead of me? I would like to try to call you about 8 AM one morning that week, let me know what is best for you.
